The University of Houston-Downtown encourages international exchange programs for its faculty and students. The Department of Natural Sciences has active research and educational collaborations with:

Poznań, Poland
Gdańsk, Poland
Łódź, Poland

Generous funding from the Brown Foundation in Houston has initiated a Geosciences field study exchange wherein Polish students from Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań) comes to UHD for 3 weeks in the Summer I semester.

Next summer, UHD students will be doing geology field work in Poland. Interested students should contact Prof. Ken Johnson or Prof. Akif Uzman.

New exchanges of students and faculty in 2008 will include research and educational exchanges in Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences with The University of Gdansk, Adama Mickiewicz University, and The Technical University of Lodz, funded by the Brown Foundation and the Minority Science & Engineering Improvement Program of the US Department of Education. Interested students should contact Prof. Akif Uzman.



University of Houston-Downtown
College of Sciences & Technology
Department of Computer & Mathematical Sciences | Department of Engineering Technology | Department of Natural Sciences